
Monday, March 3, 2008


Soooo Eyeskream Webcomic Creators Group are seeking new comics to join their ranks so right now they're judging the finalists to see whos worthy of such a position. And Guess what, I'm a finalist so soon I will find out if I made it or not.

I had a new web layout for the site but because I'm not sure if I'm changing web servers yet I have postponed the change (which is very sexay). This will be like the 3rd official site redesign not counting the many other pages I made but decided to scrap.

I've also been pushing my comics out there to the world...I'm still worried that maybe I'm doing it too early. Heres some of the ads I created, I still have a lot more to go in a lot of different sizes.

Yeah..I got a lil carried away with these..

My comic's art is still not as refined as it should be. Well in Twisted Comix fashion the next strip after the next one will look a lot better.

Speaking of the next comic its a special one for a very special month. Its coming out this Wednesday no matter what.

Till Next Time, PEACE.

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Monday, November 26, 2007


      Things are going great for the website so far, we're number 175 on the Topcomics weblist already! Right now I'm trying to decide which days to update the comic cause when I start I'm not going to stop. Some of the pages of the site aren't finished yet but comics are still being made. Theres not much to really update on... no one is reading this blog yet so I'm basically just going over everything for myself to know.
-Blog is updated to match style of site
-We're number 175 on webcomics list
-Comic genesis ads are showing up on top
-Still waiting for domain name switch to Twistedcomic.com
-Site still isnt completely done
-Twisted Comix cartoon on the making.

  Yeah, suprised you with that last one huh? Its coming just stay posted. Holla at y'all laterz.
~*Starr Out*~

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